Gym Buddy Event at Gemstone
Meet your gym buddy! The kids will play games, jump in the bounce house, meet their gym buddy, and more! *** THIS EVENT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR TEAM FEES
Meet your gym buddy! The kids will play games, jump in the bounce house, meet their gym buddy, and more! *** THIS EVENT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR TEAM FEES
Come to Gemstone and make posters to support your favorite gymnast or to support your gym sister/gym buddy at their competitions and performances! We will proved all of the poster making supplies. Stop by any time between 1:45pm and 2:45pm, make your poster(s), then head out whenever you want! *** THIS EVENT IS INCLUDED IN […]
Enjoy festive activities with your teammates including a craft, games, gymnastics and more! Gymnasts should wear clothing they can move around in because they will be out on the floor doing gymnastics. *** THIS EVENT IS INCLUDED IN YOUR TEAM FEES
Arrival Time: 5:00pm Warm Up Time: 5:05pm Performance Time: 5:15pm Awards: All performance team members will be individually recognized and receive a special award for their debut performance at the end of the event!
Arrival: 4:55pm Warm Up: 5:00pm Routine run through: 5:05pm Performance time: 5:10pm Upon arrival at 4:55pm, gymnasts should line up at Gate #4. Gymnasts need to arrive performance ready in full costume. We cannot allow a gymnast who is late to perform. Girls (costume and hair) GIRLS Hair tutorial: Boys Costume (neatly groomed hair […]
Picture Week is: Saturday, March 1st through Sunday March 2nd AND Sunday, March 9th Sunday, March 9th will be for individual and buddy photo sign ups ONLY. Time slots are […]
NOTE: Your arrival time signifies when you should be on the floor with the coaches, in full costume, ready to warm up! Please be on time. We cannot allow a […]
Location and Times are TBD
The team will celebrate hitting their pom pom jar goal with a pajama movie night at Gemstone! We will provide popcorn and Gymnasts may wear pajamas! *** THIS IS INCLUDED […]
Time TBD
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